Healthy Dieting Guide


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Dieting: Success Vs. Failure

What do you think is the percentage of people who successfully complete a dieting plan? Would you believe it is just about 2%? That is right, more than 97% are unable to see their diet plans through to the end. Why is this so?

To understand this, let's probe a little deeper into the working of your own body. The fact is that the human body itself is capable of solving this riddle. The Human body is a complex, self-sufficient machine capable of managing its affairs on its own. It has an independent defence and immune system.

If proper conditions are maintained, the body is capable of setting right any wrong that could have developed in any part and this includes excess fat stored in the body as a result of over eating and inadequate expenditure of energy. Now, the question is, what are the conditions required for the body to function properly and get rid of the excess fat and lose weight.

The body has many regulatory, filtering and excretory organs which are capable of keeping the body at an optimum weight level. But the continuous overload of junk processed food and toxins in the diet and daily living has damaged the functioning of many of these organs, resulting in their malfunction and consequent weight gain.

Faulty diet, polluted environment and stressful living unknowingly introduce a lot of toxins into the body system and it is not to be doubted that these toxins will create problems in one way or another.

So, a good weight loss program must begin with detoxification. Without detoxification, there will be no permanent possibility of sustained weight loss. This is the main reason that many diet plans fail.

There has to be a three way process to be followed to accomplish this detoxification.

1) Remove toxins: This is to be achieved through the breath, through the excretory organs and through the skin.

2) Burn fat: This is to be achieved by increased metabolism, by way of exercises and specific fat burning food additives.

3) Make your body inhospitable to excess fat by optimizing the functioning of the fat burning organs of the body viz. Thyroid, Liver etc. Yoga will be very beneficial in achieving this.

If these principles are followed then anyone and any system of dieting can achieve success.


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Friday, March 20, 2009

Dispelling Dieting Myths

Let’s face the facts, most of us want to kiss a few of those unwanted pounds goodbye. Unfortunately, many of us just don’t have the will power, the time or the energy to do what it takes to shed the extra weight and end up caving in to all those unhealthy cravings.

Sure, we may pledge to eat healthy and begin an exercise routine. However, it doesn’t take long for the novelty to wear off and the old eating habits and sedentary lifestyle to creep its ugly head back into our lives. If you’re anything like me, it’s just a matter of a few weeks before this pattern begins.

In our fast paced ‘microwave’ society, we tend to think we need to make life changes immediately. For some reason we think that the bad habits that took us years to form will simply disappear overnight without even blinking an eye. Well, that couldn’t be further from the truth!

Losing those unwanted pounds isn’t going to happen overnight and it’s important get the facts straight before you set yourself up for failure. I have listed a few of the typical dieting myths out there that have been accepted as fact.

Myth #1: Keeping to a strict diet will work better than a flexible diet.

Fact: This couldn’t be further from the truth! A strict diet will leave you feeling lethargic, deprived and unmotivated to do anything beneficial for your body. A flexible meal plan will maximize your weight loss potential while offering balance in your nutrition.

Myth #2: Skipping meals will help you lose weight.

Fact: Skipping meals can slow your metabolism, prompt hunger pangs and through you into an eating frenzy. It’s important to take a healthy approach by eating regularly so you will metabolize your food correctly.

Myth #3: Avoid all foods that are not healthy.

Fact: It’s okay to reward yourself with a little treat now and then. However, the key is portion control. Don’t overdo your portion and take advantage of these treats on special occasions. This is a great way of maintaining motivation!

Myth #4: Eating late at night will cause you to gain weight.

Fact: It doesn’t matter whether you eat immediately after you wake up in the morning or right before you retire, your body will turn excess calories into fat if you don’t burn them off. Try eating throughout the day so your body can naturally burn off the calories you take in.

Myth #5: Foods low in fat will help you lose weight.

Fact: Always check the caloric count if you are counting calories. Foods that are low in fat do not necessarily contain less calories. These foods can be high in sugar. Sugar can turn into fat when processed by our bodies.

Myth #6: You’ll lose weight more quickly if you cut out certain food groups.

Fact: It’s important to maintain a healthy balanced diet. Our bodies benefit from all the food groups. Be sure to eat a balanced diet containing all the food groups to maintain optimal health. You may wish to speak with your health care provider if you have an concern regarding existing health issues.

Surround yourself with people who will encourage you to reach your weight loss goals. Like-minded people will add to your success. Keep a positive attitude and remember, if you jump off the wagon tomorrow is another day! Stay focused and over time, your body will thank you for it!

Sabrina Coffin works exclusively from home. She is currently a distributor for a Gourmet Candle company and promotes her business opportunity at In addition, she enjoys providing work at home resources for other busy moms at

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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Dieting While Partying!

It's really difficult for a person to socialise if he is on a Diet. Totally ignoring parties and invitation is definitely not a solution.You have to strike a balance between your diet and social parties which, trust me, isn't easy at all. But we can always take necesaary precautions so as to avoid overeating.

Here is some valuable tips to keep everyone happy.

a) Try eating light snacks aroung 6 PM before leaving for the party. The problem with late night parties is that dinner isnt served before 11 and by that time rats are running in everyones stomach , so people end up eating a lot which they shouldnt.

b) At dinner, try eating vegetables only along with some fat free yogurt. If you cant resist non-veg, go in for grilled chicken.

c) Caution : Do not drink soups at parties as they have cornflour which is by any means not good for people who are on diet.

d) Avoid unhealthy food like white bread, deep fried foods and oily vegetables.

e) Choose salads with combination of chicken and and greens with marinated vegetables. Chinese greens are great choice anyday.

f) Eat your food slowly and cherish it to the fullest.

Few more veryday Diet Tips for everyone:

a) If you prefer non-vegetarian food, eat more fish and lesser red meat. Infact one should avoid Red Meat. It not only increase Cholestrol but also makes you more susceptible to heart attack and other heart related diseases.

b) Your Diet should have less sodium and more fibre . Fibre improves your digestion and keeps your stomach in good shape.

c) People with cholestrol problem should not eat york at all.Keep them for kids.

d) Get into the habbit of eating fruits as desserts instead of high calorie ice creams and puddings.

About the Author

Jasdeep: for your complete and most comprehensive family guide on Health.

Also get free effective and healthy diet tips and weight loss tips at Free Healthy Diet Tips and Weight Loss Tips

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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Dieting with Pleasure

Oh dear. Have you put on a few more pounds?

Have the celebrations taken their toll on your body shape?

Considering dieting, but can't find the right one for you?

It's an all too familiar story of gluttonous orgy. Large meals, irresistible cakes and pies all washed down with copious amounts of alcohol. Why should we blame you though eh? The packaging of foodstuff is designed to make you buy as much as you can carry.

A fat you = A fat profit for the company.

That's business.

Then we will go and blame it on the old excuse of having a slow metabolism. Your brain wants more food than your body needs. It's good to know that the power of advertising works. Then there's the countless number of diets. How many have you tried? How many lasted more than a week? Very often with a lot of commercial diets, the only weight you lose and keep off, is the weight in your wallet. The problem with most diets is that they are just not an enjoyable experience. The prospect of replacing cakes with carrots is enough to send some people into shock. You also need to be dieting for the right reason. Which is for you only. Not for anyone else. If you don't want to lose weight for yourself then you shouldn't even start a diet. Perhaps you are happy being fat. If not, how could you lose weight and enjoy it? With a little bit of psychology. That's how.

You continue eating all the same foods you enjoy, but you'll find that you tend to eat less. The only sacrifice with this method is that you have to say goodbye to quick meals. We rush around so much in this world. Fitting in a snack or a meal when we have a spare five minutes. This has to stop. Eating is a pleasurable experience, and a very important one. This speed eating culture has resulted in us forgetting to taste our food. I'm pretty sure the tongue misses all the action from childhood, and the jaw is virtually redundant. One hand doesn't seem to be quick enough so we shovel with both hands.

Very simply. You need to learn to taste your food again. Savor each mouthful. Examine the flavours. You'll be surprised at what you've been missing. Have a good long chew so that you experience the textures as well as tastes. Some flavors need to warm in the mouth before they are evident to our senses, and some flavors require sustained chewing for them to be released. Does it taste as it smells? Do you want to sip a little wine and chew. Mix the flavors? Become an expert in the subtle differences in taste. You'd be surprised just how many people don't do this. What an absolute waste of the human senses.

This method has the effect of extending meal times. You are also likely to feel full up with less food. Remember that eating is what keeps us alive, and it would be such a shame to pass through life without seriously enjoying all the flavors and textures that the worlds food has to offer. For some ideas on dieting, why not check out the articles in the Diets and Weight Loss categories at Finally. How many top level chefs do you know that are obese?

Jeffrey Edwards co-runs

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Monday, March 2, 2009

Another Dieting Angle

The plastic beauties on Page 3, with pencil thin figures are a bunch of motley species leading the run-of-the-mill wannabe models and tinsel town hopefuls on a dieting spree, bordering on starvation that can lead these eye candies, in the offing, to the brink of total exhaustion and extinction. They are like hungry news hounds waiting to devour the latest tidbits and sound bytes on weight loss tips thrown around by the fashionitas of the pretentious beauty industry. But whether you like them or hate them, you can’t just ignore them; after all, who dare play the blame game, when all they have is the drive and ambition to look no less gorgeous than their role models.

In the quest for a life less ordinary, with stars in their eyes and diet pills in their diet, they hit the gym, looking for perfection. Perfection? Yes the young brigade is obsessed with the clinical precision and flawlessness of their physical existence. They are an ambitious lot and they can go to all lengths to accomplish their well-crafted physical plans. But sadly their focus is misdirected, and there is no telling where their ends are with so misplaced a means. They have been looking for excellence in the physical realm, which for sure, is neither long lasting nor immortal. Real perfection would come only when you make a conscious effort to nourish and enrich the consciousness, the soul.

What about making a sincere effort to attain the purest diet for the well being of the body, soul and the mind? Instead of making concerted efforts to stick to rigid dietary guidelines and berating ourselves every time we fail to keep up the standard, we could let our palate run free for once to have the food that our body loves. We fear of the unknown, we fear that overweight and obesity would strike us and take their toll on us. Such fears drive us up the wall, and we begin looking for ways like dieting, drugs and other therapies to prevent the catastrophe falling on us, imposing rules and regulations to frame our existence.

We place due importance on the perfect physical nutrients for our bodily nourishment. What if we go a step ahead and place love and care over the nutrients? In a different plane, we can tenderly care for our body by delving into the deeper and richer sources of well being. Like a child responding positively to the affectionate and compassionate gestures of a mother, our body would maintain a state of perfect poise and harmony when we put our trust in the inborn intelligence of our body.

With the gradual corruption and materialization of the human mind, we have tagged each food item with a moral value even before we take the first bite. Depriving ourselves of foods that bring sensory and sensual delights has become ingrained in us. We feel that we our virtue helps us to attain physical perfection by suppressing the vices of taking a bite of the cake. Our mind is closeted in the very dark and pessimistic thought that pleasure brings pain, satisfying and gratifying food makes us overweight and obese.

Our mind is in state of joy and accomplishment after a very hearty meal, enjoyed with our heart and mind. Our spiritual state is at its peak, fully nourished, when our mind is filled with love and joy, free of the redundancies and idiosyncrasies of life. And a nourished and vitalized spirit is the key to the well being of our physical and external attributes.

The crowd that constantly ebbs and flows day in and day out of the-state-of-the-art gyms, keeping away from anything that is delicious should pick a line from the beautiful mother-child relationship. Shower love and care to the body, and let the body intuitively respond to what is best for us at the moment, with its innate wisdom. We need to appreciate every bite we take with gay abandon. When we value the love and wisdom of the body, our body would lead us to the food it needs.

Naorem is a freelancer who writes on various health issues.For the latest writeups on weight loss, obesity, depression, anxiety and the likes, log on to

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