Healthy Dieting Guide


Friday, March 20, 2009

Dispelling Dieting Myths

Let’s face the facts, most of us want to kiss a few of those unwanted pounds goodbye. Unfortunately, many of us just don’t have the will power, the time or the energy to do what it takes to shed the extra weight and end up caving in to all those unhealthy cravings.

Sure, we may pledge to eat healthy and begin an exercise routine. However, it doesn’t take long for the novelty to wear off and the old eating habits and sedentary lifestyle to creep its ugly head back into our lives. If you’re anything like me, it’s just a matter of a few weeks before this pattern begins.

In our fast paced ‘microwave’ society, we tend to think we need to make life changes immediately. For some reason we think that the bad habits that took us years to form will simply disappear overnight without even blinking an eye. Well, that couldn’t be further from the truth!

Losing those unwanted pounds isn’t going to happen overnight and it’s important get the facts straight before you set yourself up for failure. I have listed a few of the typical dieting myths out there that have been accepted as fact.

Myth #1: Keeping to a strict diet will work better than a flexible diet.

Fact: This couldn’t be further from the truth! A strict diet will leave you feeling lethargic, deprived and unmotivated to do anything beneficial for your body. A flexible meal plan will maximize your weight loss potential while offering balance in your nutrition.

Myth #2: Skipping meals will help you lose weight.

Fact: Skipping meals can slow your metabolism, prompt hunger pangs and through you into an eating frenzy. It’s important to take a healthy approach by eating regularly so you will metabolize your food correctly.

Myth #3: Avoid all foods that are not healthy.

Fact: It’s okay to reward yourself with a little treat now and then. However, the key is portion control. Don’t overdo your portion and take advantage of these treats on special occasions. This is a great way of maintaining motivation!

Myth #4: Eating late at night will cause you to gain weight.

Fact: It doesn’t matter whether you eat immediately after you wake up in the morning or right before you retire, your body will turn excess calories into fat if you don’t burn them off. Try eating throughout the day so your body can naturally burn off the calories you take in.

Myth #5: Foods low in fat will help you lose weight.

Fact: Always check the caloric count if you are counting calories. Foods that are low in fat do not necessarily contain less calories. These foods can be high in sugar. Sugar can turn into fat when processed by our bodies.

Myth #6: You’ll lose weight more quickly if you cut out certain food groups.

Fact: It’s important to maintain a healthy balanced diet. Our bodies benefit from all the food groups. Be sure to eat a balanced diet containing all the food groups to maintain optimal health. You may wish to speak with your health care provider if you have an concern regarding existing health issues.

Surround yourself with people who will encourage you to reach your weight loss goals. Like-minded people will add to your success. Keep a positive attitude and remember, if you jump off the wagon tomorrow is another day! Stay focused and over time, your body will thank you for it!

Sabrina Coffin works exclusively from home. She is currently a distributor for a Gourmet Candle company and promotes her business opportunity at In addition, she enjoys providing work at home resources for other busy moms at

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