Healthy Dieting Guide


Friday, January 30, 2009

Dieting Tips

Are you searching for answers to help you with weight loss? I want to share a few tips that will help you achieve weight loss. Try a tip each week, and watch the weight drop as you work towards great health and avoid many women’s health issues.

-Put your food on a small plate and sit down for your meals. It will make the portions seem bigger. And as you adjust to your new portions, it will feel more like a meal.

-Drink plenty of water. It is a good rule to reach for water whenever you are thirsty. It may help you feel fuller.

-Limit the amount of caffeine that you intake. No more than two cups of coffee or soda each day. Also be sure to use low fat milk and artificial sweetener.

-No alcohol for the first two weeks of your weight loss eating plan.

-Stick to vegetable juices (no carrot or beet). Fruit juices have too much sugar in them, however if you cannot live without them, use sparingly to spruce up a bottle of water, or sparkling water.

-Exercise regularly. Take a twenty minute minimum, brisk walk daily. This will help you to achieve the desired effect as efficiently as possible.

I wish you great success. Just work hard to get through each day, you will be even closer to your weight loss goal, and better health.

Kimberly Jamieson has achieved success in living and maintaining a healthy fit lifestyle and has helped thousands achieve this success by using her fitness, diet, lifestyle and motivation tips. She is committed to helping women‘s fitness, and women’s health and wellness and helping others achieve ultimate health and wellness.

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