Healthy Dieting Guide


Thursday, October 30, 2008

Dieting or a Lifestyle?

Based on stories we read and our own and others' experiences, it is evident that so many peoples dieting histories begins in their early teens. What begins as ignorant, yet innocent attempts to lose a few pounds can and does spiral into years of yo-yo dieting and self-sabotaging behavior. Dieting habits are developed and these isolate one in many areas of life. This begins the war with food and self-image.

Over time, we can see that willpower alone to stick to a diet does not offer a permanent weight loss solution. The more we worry, the worse the situation seems to get and this often results to an escalation in weight when it is least needed, taking one to breaking point. Diets do little for enthusiasm and developing trust in oneself. But if one does not go on diet how do you lose the kilos?". These days, there is much talk following a lifestyle rather than going on a diet. A lifestyle encompasses body, mind and spirit and does not separate one from the other. It suggests living life as a whole human being and not focusing on what is missing, but rather on what we have. It really is true, we have just one body, and just one life. Right NOW we can decide to live it in a healthy and full the way or not.

Being doomed to a life of dieting is hardly appealing. Even if a "lifestyle" sounds too new age or airy fairy, it just might be worth a try. It could just change ones life. Why should food and health be different to any other area of ones life? Whether it be career, finances, relationships or spirituality, it is the consistent and constant willingness and effort to improve and be ones own personal best that helps an individual be successful. Mind, body and spirit respond in the same way. What we put in, we get out. Too much focus on one area of our life can only result in imbalance - hence weight issues, but if we focus on what we need to, when we need to and within empowering value systems ... we are bound to end up with empowering lifestyles. Lifestyles vs. dieting -- it might be worth a try.

I am Kim Knight, a dedicated and passionate weight loss and personal life coach. You can read more about my weight loss journey and my life at:,

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