Healthy Dieting Guide


Friday, May 30, 2008

Dieting: A Few Smart Dieting Secrets To Rejuvenate You

In our society of fast food and long hours spent at jobs, it is not difficult to add weight at all.

That is the easy part.

The hard part is how to shed those extra pounds.

With the right dieting and discipline, it can be done.

Here are a few smart dieting secrets to help you achieve an ideal weight.

Start your diet with a food diary, record everything you eat, what you were doing at the time and how you felt.

That helps you gain insight about yourself, your temptation, the emotional states that encourage you to snack.

Instead of eating the forbidden piece of candy, brush your teeth. If you're about to cheat, allow yourself a treat, then eat only half a bite and throw the other half away.

When hunger hits, wait 10 minutes before eating and see if it passes. Set attainable goals. Don't say, "I want to lose 50 pounds." Say, "I want to lose 5 pounds a month."

Get enough sleep but not too much. Try to avoid sugar. Highly sweetened foods tend to make you crave more.

Drink six to eight glasses of water a day. Water itself helps cut down on water retention because it acts as a diuretic.

Taken before meals, it dulls the appetite by giving you that "full feeling."

Diet with a friend. There is strength in numbers.

Support groups are important, and caring people can help one another succeed. Start your own, even with just one other person.

Substitute activity for eating. When the cravings hit, go to the "Y" or health club if possible; or dust, or walk around the block.

This is especially helpful if you eat out of anger.

If the pie on the counter is just too great a temptation and you don't want to throw it away, freeze it.

If you're a late-night eater, have a carbohydrate, such as a slice of bread of a cracker, before bedtime to cut down on cravings.

Keep an orange slice or a glass of water by your bed to quiet the hunger pangs that wake you up.

If you use food as a reward, establish a new reward system. Buy yourself a non-edible reward.

Write down everything you eat - - everything - including what you taste when you cook. If you monitor what you eat, you can't go off your diet.

Weigh yourself once a week at the same time. Your weight fluctuates constantly and you can weigh more at night than you did in the morning, a downer if you stuck to your diet all day.

Make dining an event. Eat from your own special plate, on your own special placemat. Borrow the Japanese art of food arranging to make your meal, no matter how meager, look lovely. Make eating some kind of a ceremony.

This will lessen the habit of automated eating.

This is a trick that helps chronic over-eaters and bingers pay attention to their food instead of consuming it unconsciously.

Don't shop when you're hungry. You'll only buy more fattening food. Avoid finger foods that are easy to eat in large amounts.

Avoid consuming large quantities of fattening liquids, which are so easy to overdo. And this includes alcoholic beverages.

Keep plenty of crunchy foods like raw vegetables and air-popped fat-free popcorn on hand. They're high in fiber, satisfying and filling.

Leave something on your plate, even if you are a charter member of the Clean The Plate Club.

It's a good sign that you can stop eating when you want to, not just when your plate is empty.

Lose weight for yourself, not to please your husband, your parents or your friends.

Make the kitchen off-limits at any time other than mealtime. Always eat at the table, never in front of the TV set or with the radio on.

Concentrate on eating every mouthful slowly and savoring each morsel. Chew everything from 10 to 20 times and count!

Never skip meals (unless you’re not hungry)

May these dieting tips help you to achieve your ideal weight and maintain good health and happiness.


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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Dieting and its Hazards - How Healthy is Dieting?

Shedding those extra pounds, without professional guidance, can be a Herculean task for anybody. Pointers to reduce weight are available a dime a dozen and the difficult part is to work out which one actually works. And first of all we need to know which of these can actually be harmful. Surprisingly, dieting, the first solution that comes to our mind might not be so good after all. Western Weight Loss Institute offers a natural alternative to dieting.

A diet works by reducing the calorie intake to equal the amount of energy we spend in the day. The energy intake is lowered hoping that no excess energy will be available to be converted to fat. Food habits are altered to suit our lifestyle and body needs. However, to focus on diet alone is to neglect the larger issues in obesity. Besides, dieting often entails starving or abrupt changes in the food habits that disturb the chemical balance in the body. Therefore, adequate understanding about dieting is important before making an informed choice.

Dieting causes a loss of sodium and water from the body (process called natriuresis), evident by a rapid initial weight loss. This could seem encouraging, but the lost sodium has other consequences as well. Lack of sodium can result in fatigue, mental confusion and even seizures. Excessive, acute sodium deficiency can even lead to life threatening conditions.

Diets continued over longer periods also have other physical and emotional consequences. It tends to leave you hungry and craving for food. The person may succumb to the stress and resort to binge-eating (eating large quantities at one go) for emotional release. The sudden large food intake puts the digestive system under pressure. Over a period of time such episodes of binge eating may inflame the pancreas and gall bladder leading to pancreatitis and gall stones. The feeling of guilt that accompanies binge-eating is another uncomfortable emotion to deal with. Self-induced vomiting, use of diet pills, and laxatives are used to get rid of this guilt and host problems of their own.

The low calorie diets so popular among dieters are not safe either. People on low calorie diets have been reported to suffer from irregular heart rate (called cardiac arrhythmias). Their blood sugar levels wary erratically and reduce efficiency. Instances were blood sugar levels dropped below substance levels (called hypoglycemia) with the potential to cause permanent damage to the brain have also been reported.

Women on unplanned, unscientific diets have irregular menstrual periods and lose out on bone density over a period of time. This osteoporosis is a major cause of the rising incidence of spine and hip fractures in old age. Other side effects of diets without essential nutrients include fatigue, dry skin and hair loss. Some pre-existing conditions may preclude from dieting. Diabetes is one such condition. A diabetic patient on a diet may very easily overload the metabolism with ketones, resulting in various degrees of metabolic disturbances called diabetic ketoacidosis.

Besides, it is now established that as dieting continues the body also adapts to adjust to the lowered calorie intake. It lowers the basal metabolic rate (minimum expenditure) making it even more difficult to lose weight. Given all the hazards dieting may put you through, with a lowered basal metabolic rate, it might not even work. Surely there are better ways to lose those extra pounds!!!

To learn a life changing, developmental approach to empower you to never diet again visit Western Weight Loss Institute.

Western Weight Loss Institute


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Sunday, May 25, 2008

Dangers Of Dieting - Dieting Truths You Need To Know

Dangers of dieting - yes you heard right, dangerous diets. We are all aware of the facts on healthy eating and of the benefits i.e. keeping the weight down. To follow a well balanced diet encourages a healthier rewarding lifestyle. Healthy diets will most evidently help towards keeping you in shape and a state of well being - but on the other hand we have those eating plans that do not point out the dangers of dieting.

Dangers of dieting where rapid weight loss occurs is most commonly found in young teens who feel pressured into losing weight, especially after flicking through a glossy magazine full of slim line models that grace the catwalk.

To avoid the dangers of dieting always speak with your doctor or dietician. Bear in mind that any diet on which you eat fewer calories than you should, like an 800 calorie-per-day diet for instance - is very dangerous. Warning - look out for diets that do not allow any fat, these are not good for you and should be avoided. The reason why is - we all need a certain amount of fat - up to 30% of your total calories. Although needless to say that a low-fat diet may be fine, do not follow a diet that is completely free of fat.

Do not be tempted by a diet that encourages the dangers of dieting - such as a total ban or strict restrictions on certain food groups. A diet plan that states no bread or pastas and only permits the consumption of fruit is unhealthy. Your body needs vitamins of which you will not get by following dangerous diet plans as such. You can brush aside those worrying words - the dangers of dieting if you have selected the right plan to follow in your quest for weight loss.

Dieting means restricting calories or cutting down on certain food types. Remember that cutting out particular foods can prove to be very dangerous indeed. Always ask questions on matters that may give you reason for concern. Abstaining from certain food types can lead to poor growth and other health problems.

Do not be egged on by the magazine models with pouting lips and bony skeletal frames because, surely by looking at their appearance i.e. no flesh on the body can not hide the fact that they chose to ignore the signs of the dangers of dieting.

Want To Shed Those Pounds Fast Free From Danger Diets

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Thursday, May 22, 2008

From Dieting To Anorexia - Can Dieting Lead To Eating Disorders?

Anorexia nervosa is difficult to combat because victims of this eating disorder are not fully aware of their situation until it is too late. Once the eating habits have been established it is very difficult to change them even with professional treatment.

The problem with anorexia nervosa lies in the fact that it is a mental illness. For some reasons, which are still unknown, anorexic persons have a distorted image of their bodies. They are denying the fact that they are heavily underweight already. They still believe to be overweight and fat.

When this happens then anorexia nervosa has become an illness where eating habits control the life of the victim and not the other way round. However, the anorexic person still may believe to have control over eating habits, often even enjoying the degree of control they believe to have over their bodies and weight.

This false believe has serious consequences. Anorexia has mortality rate between 10 and 20 percent, a number almost nobody is aware of. Often eating disorders are just described as harmless conditions which will go away sooner or later, especially when found in teenagers who follow the wrong advice of web sites full of harmful tips on how to become anorexic.

Can dieting tips really lead to anorexia nervosa? There is much more about it and the problem is more complex than most are willing to admit. It is possible that an obsession can become a mental illness. It is also possible that behaviors, just performed often enough, can change into habits which can not be controlled that easily anymore.

It is like with any behavior. Repeat it over and over again and it will become part of your personality. If you follow bad advice and make bad tips part of your behavior then you are on a dangerous path. This is especially true when it comes to nutrition.

Once bad eating habits have been established, permanent malnutrition is the consequence. Depending on the habits this malnutrition can be extremely harmful to the body but also to the mind.

For example, many tips on how to be anorexic include intentional vomiting. While the simple logic behind it seems to make sense, the long-term effects are often denied. Such a habit can easily become part of the normal life to a degree where eating is no more possible without purging thereafter. This habit not only robs the body essential nutrients which are only absorbed when coming into the bowel, the gastric acid is destroying teeth and mucous membranes.

Other bad anorexic tips explain the abuse of drugs in order to loose weight fast. Especially young people are denying the possible outcomes of drug abuse. Instead of going the healthy way of dieting with balanced nutrition and exercise, they are trying shortcuts and just cheat themselves.

It is easier to swallow a pill than running a mile. It is also easier to vomit fast food than thinking of cooking a healthy meal. It is not the one pill you swallow or the one time you purge. It is the ease of these habits that make you repeating them more often. When do you pass the line? How often is too much?

Be aware of that eating disorder victims are crossing the line without knowing it. They still believe they control everything while they already have lost control long time ago. That is what makes eating disorders dangerous.

A slim and healthy body is a great and worthwhile goal. The shortcut leads to anorexia nervosa while the right tips give you a good looking and healthy body and mind. Is it your choice?

Dollie Pagani has written several articles about the pro anorexia web site phenomena and discusses the question of how to become anorexic on here web site at

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